Quality Assurance Policy

Atlantic Cedar Limited was established in 2005 to provide training and consultancy services.

Quality is important to our business because we value our customers as well as all other stakeholders. We strive to provide our customers with products and services which meet and exceed their expectations.

We are committed to continuous improvement and have established a Quality Management Process which provides a framework for continuously measuring and improving quality performance.

We have the following policies and procedures in place to support us in our quality goals and align with our quality process:

  • Regular gathering and monitoring of customer feedback
  • A strict corrective and preventative action procedure
  • Selection and performance monitoring of the entire supply chain
  • Continuous training and development of employees
  • Regular quality audits of our internal processes
  • Measurable quality objectives which reflect our business aims
  • Management reviews of audit results, customer feedback and complaints

Our internal procedures are reviewed regularly and are held in a Quality Manual which is made available to all employees.

Management has ultimate responsibility for Quality, but we ensure all employees understand their responsibilities within their own areas of work to help ensure that Quality is embedded within the whole company.

The policy review date is 1st April.

Signed: Signature on file

Print name: Margaret M Jones

Job Title: Director

Date: 1st April 2024

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