Atlantic Cedar Net Zero Policy

Our Journey to Net Zero

As management consultants and training service providers, we implicitly understand the impact we can have on the environment, as well as the impacts that climate change will have on us, both individually and as a business. Although our carbon footprint is smaller than in other sectors, this does not discharge our responsibilities, and we aim to act as a driving force in our sector, helping our clients, employees, supply chain and the wider community take practical steps towards a low carbon planet.

As part of the commitment to climate action and supporting the transition to a net zero carbon economy, we have pledged to reduce our carbon emissions in line with the requirements to keep the rise of global temperatures under 1.5 degrees.

To achieve this we have set ourselves a target to reduce our carbon emissions ina number of areas and initiated the policies below:

  1. Carbon Emissions – Company-wide policy of remote working and where travel is essential by utilizing car sharing and prioritizing the use of public transport in the first instance;
  2. Carbon Footprint – Company-wide “no-print” policy and 100% use of digital collaboration tools in day to day working practices;
  3. Green Energy – 100% utilization of green energy sources in all locations (including home locations);
  4. Reduce Waste – Company-wide recycling and as part of our waste management policy, we adopt the standard ‘Reduce – Reuse –Recycle’ prioritization approach across the business

We recognize that net zero is a journey and we will seek to continually improve and utilizenew technologies and refine our understanding of our environmental impact, including through our supply chain.

The challenges of net zero carbon economy cannot be solved by our actions alone and therefore we will work collaboratively with our stakeholders to drive awareness and encourage support towards change.

Maggie Jones

Managing Director

Atlantic Cedar Ltd

July 2024

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