Modern Slavery Statement
This statement applies to Atlantic cedar Ltd (referred to in this statement as ‘the Organisation’). The information included in the statement refers to the financial year April 2024 to March 2025.
Organisational structure
Atlantic cedar Ltd is a private Limited company based in the UK that provides consultancy services. All employees are located in the UK. Definitions Atlantic Cedar Ltd considers that modern slavery encompasses:
• human trafficking
• forced work, through mental or physical threat
• being owned or controlled by an employer through mental or physical abuse of the threat of abuse
• being dehumanised, treated as a commodity or being bought or sold as property
• being physically constrained or to have restriction placed on freedom of movement.
Atlantic cedar Ltd acknowledges its responsibilities in relation to tackling modern slavery and commits to complying with the provisions in the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Organisation understands that this requires an ongoing review of both its internal practices in relation to its labour force and, additionally, its supply chains. The Organisation does not enter into business with any other organisation, in the United Kingdom or abroad, which knowingly supports or is found to involve itself in slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour. No labour provided to the Organisation in the pursuance of the provision of its own services is obtained by means of slavery or human trafficking. The Organisation strictly adheres to the minimum standards required in relation to its responsibilities under relevant employment legislation. .
Supply Chains
The company has made a strong commitment to sourcing all its services and purchases only from suppliers, agencies and businesses which operate with the highest ethical standards in their treatment of suppliers, staff and partners and have a zero tolerance to slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking. All suppliers of goods, services and utilities are required without exception to observe and promote safe working conditions, no discrimination and respectful treatment of all associated persons, including no forced labour. In order to ensure the above strategy is put into practice the following steps are taken
• All suppliers are assessed in light of the above before any purchase or business relationship is instigated
• Should any supplier or associated business be found to be operating, or have operated, in breach of humanitarian principles or law, immediate action will be taken to terminate supply; evidence of such malpractice will be reported as and where possible
• Our strategy in respect of all aspects of human trafficking and modern slavery will be reviewed annually.
All managers are allocated e-learning on our on line learning platform regarding this topic.
Potential exposure
In general, the Organisation considers its exposure to slavery/human trafficking to be very low. It has taken steps to ensure that such practices do not take place in its business nor the business of any organisation that supplies goods and/or services to it. This statement is made in pursuance of Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2010 and will be reviewed for each financial year.
Date of approval: 03.05.2024
Signed: Signature on file
Print name: Margaret M Jones
Job Title: Director
Date: May 2024